Everything you need to know about Caldea Spa, Andorra

Getting There

My final microstate was the country of Andorra, located in the mountains between France and Spain. My uncle and I did a road trip from Frankfurt through France to Andorra, stopping in Toulouse for the night. Early the next morning we made the trek to the capital of Andorra la Vella.

Caldea Spa

We checked out all the main sights, but since it was the shoulder season between summer and fall and it wasn’t skiing season yet, the main thing to do is the Caldea Spa. If you know me by now, I love anything hot spring or spa related, so this was right up my alley. There’s so many different pools to check out, we spent a lovely afternoon just floating around! One of my favorite spas was the outdoor infinity spa with a view of Andorra!


The Caldea Spa is a little bit on the pricey side, but I highly recommend paying online in advance since it’s much cheaper than paying in person. Plus you can check out specials and deals they have and choose what’s best for you.