How to Obtain the Venezuela Visa in Mexico City


If you’re American or some other nationality (in my case, the Philippines) that needs a visa for Venezuela, this blog post is for you! Venezuela is one of the most difficult visas to get, and since there’s little info out there on how to get the visa I wanted to create a guide on everything you need to know.

Why Mexico City?

Since there isn’t an embassy in the USA, Americans or residents of the US have to go to the embassy in Mexico City. Yes, there is an embassy in Ottawa, Canada, but I had an American friend who went there and couldn’t get it. My friend also attempted the embassy in Dominican Republic but they mostly just cater to Venezuelans in the DR, so I highly recommend playing it safe and obtaining it in Mexico City.


Visa Requirements

Before even going to the embassy, make sure you have all the requirements you need. This is a long trip to go to the embassy, and you’ll have to go two times for the visa, so make it count!

  • Application Form

  • Copy of passport

  • Passport photo

  • Itinerary

  • Flight/Hotel

  • Last month bank statement (have last 3 months just in case)

  • Medical letter (approval from a doctor that you're healthy)

  • House title/lease agreement

  • Employment letter

First Trip to Mexico City: June 2022

Arrived right when they opened at 8 AM, told the man at the door that I was "solicitando una visa turista" and told to go to the back of the line, which is through the building into a parking garage with a lot of chairs lined up.

Eventually the man came and told me to wait in a shorter, different line for the front desk

Showed visa application and receptionist input the info, gave me a ticket and went to the 2nd floor

Waited until number was called, laid out all the documents and was told to go back to the lobby to pay. Make sure they give some sort of paper that says the price of the tourist visa ($30 USD) so you don't have to go back and forth. Side note, my American friend had to fill out an extra application form while I only had to do the one I found online.

Paid in the lobby with credit card, given receipt, went back to the 2nd floor and the receipt was stapled to the application. Was told it would be ready in 4-6 weeks and come back then. I asked for an email/phone number/contact but they said no and I'd just have to come back after the mentioned time period. Make sure you come back after the 6 weeks to make sure; Americans have 6-8 weeks processing time.

Second trip to mexico city: August 2022

I went back to Mexico City at the beginning of August and stopped by the embassy first thing in the morning. I left my passport, came back the next morning, and there was a VNZ visa in my passport! The visa is multiple entry, but 1 month validity (for Americans it’s multiple entry, 3 months validity). I flew Copa Airlines from PTY to Caracas, but my return flight I paid $150 via Venezolana Airlines.