Top Things to do in Tallinn, Estonia

My 90th country, Estonia! Tallinn had a medieval feel to it that I absolutely loved. Here are my top things to do in Tallinn, Estonia!

“The Times We Had” Wall / Kohtuotsa Viewing Platform

This was one of my favorite viewpoints of Old Town Tallinn with the ocean in the background!

Town Hall Square

In the heart of the Old Town you can find a lot of restaurants and colorful architecture!

Tallinn City Walls

Another great view of the city plus a museum, you can also try their local drink, Glogg! Glogg is a hot mulled wine with aromatic spices like cloves and hints of citrus and almond.

Olde Hansa

To sample some Medieval platters or Mead, try this Hanseatic tavern! All the recipes are traditional from the 15th century and their mead is specially prepared.